03 Dec Congratulations to Lionel Messi, Golden Ball 2019!
Lionel Messi is the first and the unique player in history winning his Sixth Golden Ball! One more time, Leo Messi has proved that soccer is more than a sport: effort, perseverance and overcoming.
Our more sincere congratulations to Leo Messi from TigerHead Toys team. We collaborate with him creating such special toys as Messi Training System. A brand designed to challenge kids and to train their skills with the ball as their idol!
Benefits derived from Messi Training System
As an image of Messi Training System brand, Lionel Messi transmits some essential values that should be inculcated to children, especially children under 9 years of age.
Due to his personal and professional career, Messi is a player that allows the transmission of values such as effort, self-improvement, generosity and perseverance.
Considered one of the best players in the world, Messi was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency as a child. Since his childhood, he felt a special love for soccer so, despite his difficulties, he showed a great ability to dominate the soccer ball. Unfortunately, the treatment was too expensive for his parents and the football team he belonged in Argentina, refused to pay for the medical treatment. Therefore, his parents decided to look for solutions in other places like Spain, where came the great change for the player.
FC Barcelona signed Lionel, offering him his first professional contract. His growth in the world of football was great within Barcelona, becoming one of the best players in history. To become what he is now he had to fight with a lot of effort and perseverance, since he not only had to face a disease that directly worsened his physical abilities, but he had also to start a new life in Spain far from his family, who returned to Argentina. With courage, he dared to make that great change that would mark a milestone in his life, thus achieving his goals. Effort and improvement are values that have helped him to face his difficulties and that have made him reach the top. His example serves as inspiration for many children who also want to fulfill their dreams.